Tamie Francis – Employee Spotlight


Tamie Francis

Tamie is the assistant director of operations at Homeland Hospice, HomeHealth and HomeCare. She joined us in November, 2014.

Tamie was born in Japan, then came to the States when her father retired from the Air Force after 23 years of service. She was seven years old when she and her family moved to Dalmatia, a small town in Northumberland County. She later worked for a local manufacturer for 20 years until she finally opted to make a career change into the healthcare industry.

“I’ve always wanted to work for a non-profit and felt that healthcare is where I belong,” she says. “Surgical nursing was my first passion, but sometimes life throws a curve ball. I’m very happy in my administrative position ― it might not be hands-on but I’m able to make sure that all of our patients get the quality care they deserve, so it’s a very rewarding experience. And while my job can be stressful at times, no two days are alike and that’s one of the things that makes it so unique and enjoyable.”

Those of us who know Tamie appreciate her talent, experience and positive attitude. And though she’s not prone to talking about herself, she’s very quick-witted and a fantastic story-teller, helping make Homeland a fun, happy place to work.

Oops, we forgot to mention one other little gem in Tamie’s bio ― she’s a licensed barber. No kidding, you’ll need to ask her about that one!

On a final note, every Thursday afternoon, Tamie is featured on WINK 104 to answer questions about home care, home health and hospice. Tune in when you can but in the meantime click here to listen to a recent broadcast.