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Education for Healthcare Professionals

Homeland at Home works hand-in-hand with healthcare professionals throughout Central Pennsylvania to provide quality care and support to patients in the comfort of their own home.

As a service to our healthcare provider partners, we offer a variety of online and in-person educational in-service programs on hospice, end of life, grief and related topics.

To arrange an in-service program, contact a Homeland liaison specialist at 717-857-7400 or email us.

Together, we can help patients and families make the most of every precious moment together.

The following are just a few of our available in-service program topics.

Learn about hospice and the benefits of hospice care for patients, families and the care team. Topics include deciding if hospice care is the right choice, caring for the hospice patient, and talking with patients and families about end of life.

Learn the signs and symptoms of pain, ways to manage it and when to call hospice for pain management support. Topics include PRN medicine and how and why to use morphine.

In this program, participants learn about the types, causes and current rates of dementia. We also discuss the goals of hospice care for someone living with advanced dementia.

Learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of when death is imminent, as well as how to comfort patients and families while helping to meet the spiritual needs for all. Topics include the emotional needs of the dying patient and maintaining dignity for patients at end of life.

People often manage to get through their work as they grieve, but are surprised by their normal grief responses while working. Learn to help people explore ways to cope with grief and continue on their grief path toward healing.

Caring for others can be very fulfilling and rewarding. However, the demands and stress of caregiving can take a toll mentally and physically or lead to burnout or compassion fatigue. Learn techniques to de-stress and regain a sense of balance and peace.

No other age group feels the sting of loneliness more than seniors. Learn about the consequences of loneliness and tips to help alleviate this epidemic in our senior population