Guitars … with Gratitude… 2020 Tour Begins


Guitars with GratitudeA memorable music tour does more than provide a series of performances. It tells us a story, leaving us with cherished experiences we revisit in our minds and through conversations. Each stop on the tour is unique and personal. Homeland Hospice’s “Guitars … with Gratitude … 2020 Tour,” promises to deliver such an experience.

local musician with guitarLast November, Homeland Hospice celebrated its 10th anniversary with “Guitars, Gifts & Gratitude,” a special event featuring local musicians and a guitar gallery with more than 60 art-inspired guitars generously donated and decorated by local individuals and businesses. The guitars were overwhelmingly well received and are now on tour.

Throughout the year, guitars will be on display at various community venues. The tour extends the 10th anniversary celebration and provides a platform to share the message of Homeland Hospice. Homeland Hospice is a hospice program that serves communities throughout Central Pennsylvania. While each guitar is unique in its design, emotions of hope, compassion and love shine through each piece.

“I knew the designs would be good,” says Ed Savage, Assistant Director of Development for Homeland Center. “But I was blown away by the creativity. The guitars are outstanding.”

gratitude guitar designGuitar sponsors had the opportunity to personally design their guitar or connect with an artist for the creation. From local elementary school students and business owners to professional artists, the guitar designs provided individuals and groups an opportunity to convey their personality. Just like music, the guitars speak to everyone individually while conveying a sense of community.

The guitar tour officially kicked off with an exhibit at Homeland Center, which includes 10 guitars near the aquarium. A sample of the guitars includes a colorful design created by personal care and skilled care residents at Homeland Center. Bethany Sherman, a student whose mother works for Homeland, used hues of blue, green and brown in her earthy-themed guitar, and students from the Silver Academy in Harrisburg brought flashy designs and colors into their work of art.

“The response to the guitars exceeded our expectations,” Savage adds, “It’s been a great project to connect the entire community to Homeland Hospice.”

Artist profiles and stories from the road will be featured throughout 2020. For more information about the guitar tour, please visit

Homeland Hospice is a hospice program that serves 14 communities throughout Central Pennsylvania by providing end-of-life care either in a person’s home or wherever they reside, including nursing facilities. Homeland also provides bereavement support to families for a full 13 months following the death of their loved one. This service is available to anyone in the community who is experiencing grief.